Monday, December 8, 2008

Rafa's 12/3/08

We took an Uptown/Lemmon detour this week and headed for a quaint strip mall on Lovers to quesorita it at Rafa's.  I was only 10-15 minutes late and a full bowl of queso was already gone.  Yes folks, you better get there early if you want dibs on the first bowl.  Thank goodness the boys had ordered the spicy queso which was a little too hot for me and as my two best girls arrived (sorry Kelly- this is a Jillian joke that I've been trying to work in for sometime now) we got our own bowl of regular queso, and regular it was.  I doctored (ha ha) it up with a bunch of salsa and it got a little better but I did have to order some nachos to tide me over.  Sherby marked the spicy queso a 3.75 and under the comments section wrote, "Slightly runny.  Good flavor.  Nice heat when you add extra pico.  Mixt w/ salsa for fun.  Yum."  Margs were very average and we moved on over to the Inwood Lounge for the post-party where we all got a little tipsy and spilled our guts.

All in all, food and drinks were very average and I probably wouldn't go back.  I am very pleased though that my Jillian joke finally made the blog and I figured out how to use Quesorita as a verb.  See y'all at Chuy's this week.  G-Unit out.


RobinBrant said...

Okay, Courtney has filled me in on this, and I must be a part of it sometime. I'd love to be a guest judge. Preferably post-baby so that I can enjoy the margaritas. Pencil me in for April!


ashley said...

I don't know who ya'll are, but ya'll are freakin' crazy! Hilarious blog. I'm subscribing after this comment. Ya'll sound like my kinda ppl...Add to your list, Herrera's off of Harry Hines near Love Field; Gonzalez Restaurant; and Desperados food!

Anonymous said...

OK. This is really making me want queso!