Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sol's Nieto Mexican Grill 7/1/09

Hola pinches! After a long hiatus and many many hours of studying, the phoenix rises from the ashes. Although, maybe I should slept another week. Let's just say Sol did not write Creeping Death. Maybe he was busy writing the Season 4 debut episode of Psych?

I'm sensing he wasn't spending too much time perfecting the queso. It was que-so-so, at best. As per usual, I was scared of the mid-week liquid treats, so I report from my follow partners in lime Court Dog and Angelar (in my best Long Island accent). We all knew this, but it final came out in words... The fluorescence of the margarita is inversely proportional to the deliciousness. These were like John Frederick at Club Banana.

In sum:
Queso-1 out of 5 tastebuds.
Margs-(frozen, rocks, and swirl): solid 2 Glow sticks each

Glad to see we've got some dedicated followers who actually signed up to hang out with us (virtually). This one's a shout out for you!! YEAHHH! Any other random bad-asses reading this, welcome and we're glad to have you. Sign up!

Not sure where the next round of riting (rEE-ting) will be. But rest assured, there will be blog.

Peace in barbacoa grease.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just about the only thing I like at Sol's is their pico de gallo. I usually buy it by the cup full and eat it in the comfort of my own home.